We will sow 100.000 seeds in south of Spain

We will sow 100.000 seeds in south of Spain

We have a small secret to share: we was contacted by Alvelal to perform our first official Ecological Restoration project in south of Spain: Reforest with 100.000 seeds 4 hectares of the Sierra María-Los Vélez Natural Park in Almeria, Hand reforestation by Reverdecer...

New version: Dronecoria V6

We are very prod to release a new version of our drone to reforest: version 6. This would be our second Beta version, after the previous one where we won the Instructionables award. After the pilot tests and several months with dozens of messages between Salva...

Keys to reforestation with drones

In This text we will show what would be the keys of an ecological restoration based on the technology of the drones, from the mapping of the Territory, through the subsequent analysis, to the planting of native seeds with drones. Fire Mapping of Guardamar de 2017...